Tag Archives: Linux Administration

Linux Administration presents a collection of common issues and useful tips for Linux system administration. Whether you’re new to system administration or have been maintaining systems for some time, we hope these tips are helpful regardless of your background or choice in Linux distributions.

Linux file system hierarchy v2.0

Linux file system hierarchy v2.0 - small - blackMORE Ops

What is a file in Linux? What is file system in Linux? Where are all the configuration files? Where do I keep my downloaded applications? Is there really a filesystem standard structure in Linux? Well, the above image explains Linux file system hierarchy in a very simple and non-complex way. It's very useful when you're looking for a configuration file or a binary file. I've added some explanation and examples below, but that's TL;DR.

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cPanel logs location

cPanel logs location - blackMORE Ops - DropMini

Finding cPanel logs been always an issue for everyone. cPanel seems to distribute the logs in all over the disk. Saying that, cPanel got a nice Poster that you can print out but the PDF file is 42MB. This post is a collection of all the cPanel logs location for access, …

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