NetHunter is an Android penetration testing platform for Nexus and OnePlus devices built on top of Kali Linux, which includes some special and unique features. Of course, you have all the usual Kali tools in NetHunter as well as the ability to get a full VNC session from your phone to a graphical Kali chroot, however the strength of NetHunter does not end there.
As an experienced penetration tester or security professional, it is imperative that you trust the tools you work with. One way to achieve this trust is by having full transparency and familiarity with the code you are running. You are free to read, investigate, and change NetHunter protects build scripts for the NetHunter images. All of this goodness from the house of Offensive Security and developers of Kali Linux!
Kali Linux NetHunter supported devices
Kali Linux NetHunter project used to support Nexus devices only, but it added OnePlus device in it’s supported list.
The Kali NetHunter image is currently compatible with the following Nexus and OnePlus devices:
- Nexus 4 (GSM) – “mako”
- Nexus 5 (GSM/LTE) – “hammerhead”
- Nexus 7 [2012] (Wi-Fi) – “nakasi”
- Nexus 7 [2012] (Mobile) – “nakasig”
- Nexus 7 [2013] (Wi-Fi) – “razor”
- Nexus 7 [2013] (Mobile) – “razorg”
- Nexus 10 (Tablet) – “mantaray”
- OnePlus One 16 GB – “bacon”
- OnePlus One 64 GB – “bacon”
A further breakdown below:
Nexus 4 & 5 Android Phone
Kali Linux NetHunter for the Nexus 5 provides you with the ultimate in penetration testing portability. With a quad-core 2.26GHz CPU and 2GB of RAM, you have an immense amount of power at your fingertips to run a wide range of attacks.
Nexus 7 Mini Tablet
With the Nexus 7 running Kali NetHunter, you have a powerful, portable, and inexpensive penetration testing platform. NetHunter images are available for both the Wi-Fi and LTE versions, giving you a great deal of versatility.
Nexus 10 Tablet
With its 2560×1600 resolution, dual-core CPU, and 2GB of RAM, Kali Linux NetHunter on the Nexus 10 gives you a full desktop experience with all the power and versatility that Kali Linux has to offer, in a portable form-factor.
OnePlus One Phones – New!
This is the latest addition to our line of supported phones – at half the price of a Nexus and beefy specs, it’s slowly growing to be our favorate NetHunter platform.
This is awesome. I have it running on my OnePlus one. What a beast!
hello Dylan..
I have installed the net hunter on mu one,but when I select Kali services ,it gets force closed ..
Any way to get this running on Galaxy note 4?
Sure thing. Just check out the kernel I built based on the Hacker Kernel. Inkl. files for the Nethunter installation:
I recommend you start from the back, as I posted an updated build somewhere at the end.
Hi FutureBSD,
It looks promising. I’ve got a Note 4 and will try it out when I have some free time. Thanks for sharing the link here. Cheers,
Do you install nethunter first? can you do a quick guide on how to do it?
Is there any chance of it working on the galaxy s5?
Can the work with my lenovo tablet?
Will this work for samsung phones?
I was able to run plain Kali Linux on my Galaxy s3. I could use my laptop to connect to my phone via VNC or SSH and run Kali while still being able to call or text. Rather amusing
I was sorely disappointed when I found out the wireless chipset on the gs3 wasn’t supported by aircrack-ng. However the Galaxy s2 is compatible.
give me pls the version on nethunter that is compatible with galaxy s2 thank you
Can You send me where is can find Nethunter for Note 4? Because link in this website to download this nethunter dont work please :P
Best regards
It works. It’s just not the link in the initial post anymore. I updated it to 1.2.1 in the meantime.!IAQXTY7a!bTwkmQnh-Zr26xuDpd3p91nKtp21WPLGZ1190ohhpDY
The kernel for the Note 4 is mentioned in the thread as well and should still be online.
Because without the proper kernel, no monitor mode for wifi.
It’s fully supported on the Nexus 6 now too. I have one and it loads and runs flawlessly.
doesn’t kali support other android devices ?
Is Kali work Samsung Galaxy A8 ?
Hello sir i have intex aqua power hd 5.1 lolipop
Karnel 30.10.72+
Ram =2GB
ROM = 16 Gb
I have nethunter but i cant able to run wifite command help me…
Is it compatible with Samsung a7?
Is nethunter working with samsung galaxy alpha
Probably a dumb question but if I put this on my phone will I still be able to make calls and text like normal?
Ihave problem with m’y Nexus 10 . The Driver onboard the Nexus 10 tablet are not install. but AT the section “Driver > ??????????” I got ?????? for the driver.anybody can help me for install the driver of nexus 10 run nethunter? if is not possible can anybody help me for install rtl2870 driver .tank you!!
the driver onboard nexus 10 is broadcom 43241
the Nexus 7 (2012) models should be removed from the compatibility list. After several attempts, I reached out to Offensive Security and they confirmed the Nexus 7 (2012) kernel is too old and installs brick the device.
It’s is compatible in Samsung j7 max if yes the send me the link to download
Bhaiya lenovo a6000 plus on run but how to install Kali nethunter run version nagout 7.1.2 ROM bhaiya nagout version me kase install kare
Please please
Hai sir i have an android galaxy s4 i9500 and downloaded some five nethunter acording to my cell phone version and alos some kernel and i installed kali nethunter without any error but when ever check setings my on kernal is there and flash some kernals but same problem all tools are working good but some tools those works on adapter they cant work sir plz help me what i do
hi is this compatible with motorola g5 plus? thnx in advance
Is there a way to get this running on Redmi Note 4(Snapdragon)(mido)???
I have LG Stylo 4, any chance of nethunter working? I doubt it.
can my smartphone android (samsung galaxy grand duos) supported with this OS (kali nethunter)
its saying that the current android build is out of date for compatability with my Samsung a51. is there a new download link
Hey Paul,
I think you can use the Mobile version: