This is a very common question and sometimes hard to find answer. How do you check which Apache modules are loaded in your HTTP / Apache server? The second part is, how do you check which modules are compiled and ready to be loaded? Following two commands will show you you can easily check loaded and compiled modules in Apache in any flavor of Linux such as CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, RedHat etc.
Find list of loaded modules in Apache
Use the following command to list Loaded modules in your Apache/HTTPD server in Linux
root@centos [~]# httpd -D DUMP_MODULES (or) user@centos [~]# sudo httpd -D DUMP_MODULES (or) user@ubuntu [~]# sudo apache2 -D DUMP_MODULES
Depending on your Linux distro, you need to use either httpd or apache2. Also use ‘sudo’ if you’re not logged in as root user.
Sample loaded modules in Apache
Loaded Modules: core_module (static) include_module (static) proxy_module (static) proxy_connect_module (static) http_module (static) autoindex_module (static) info_module (static) cloudflare_module (shared) php5_module (shared) reqtimeout_module (shared) pagespeed_module (shared) Syntax OK
Find list of compiled modules in Apache
Use the following command to list compiled modules in Apache/HTTPD server in Linux
root@centos [~]# httpd -l (or) user@centos [~]# sudo httpd -l (or) user@ubuntu [~]# sudo apache2 -l
Depending on your Linux distro, you need to use either httpd or apache2. Also use ‘sudo’ if you’re not logged in as root user.
Sample compiled modules in Apache
Compiled in modules: core.c mod_include.c mod_proxy.c mod_proxy_connect.c mod_proxy_http.c http_core.c mod_autoindex.c mod_info.c mod_actions.c mod_alias.c mod_rewrite.c mod_so.c
Once you know how to check loaded and compiled modules in Apache and have the info handy, you can either enable/disable, load/unload as required. Most Apache servers doesn’t require the full set of modules and by loading more modules you will only make it slower. So just load the ones you think you will need and add more when you get an error or take out one module at time until your server reaches optimal stability.