Information gathering and correlation with Unicornscan on Kali Linux

Unicornscan is a new information gathering and correlation engine built for and by members of the security research and testing communities. It was designed to provide an engine that is Scalable, Accurate, Flexible, and Efficient. It is released for the community to use under the terms of the GPL license.


Unicornscan is an attempt at a User-land Distributed TCP/IP stack. It is intended to provide a researcher a superior interface for introducing a stimulus into and measuring a response from a TCP/IP enabled device or network. Although it currently has hundreds of individual features, a main set of abilities include:

    • Asynchronous stateless TCP scanning with all variations of TCP Flags.
    • Asynchronous stateless TCP banner grabbing
    • Asynchronous protocol specific UDP Scanning (sending enough of a signature to elicit a response).
  • Active and Passive remote OS, application, and component identification by analyzing responses.
  • PCAP file logging and filtering.
  • Relational database output.
  • Custom module support.
  • Customized data-set views.

Unicornscan Help

root@kali:~# unicornscan -h
unicornscan (version 0.4.7)
usage: unicornscan [options `b:B:cd:De:EFG:hHi:Ij:l:L:m:M:o:p:P:q:Qr:R:s:St:T:u:Uw:W:vVzZ:' ] X.X.X.X/YY:S-E
-b, --broken-crc     *set broken crc sums on [T]ransport layer, [N]etwork layer, or both[TN]
-B, --source-port    *set source port? or whatever the scan module expects as a number
-c, --proc-duplicates process duplicate replies
-d, --delay-type     *set delay type (numeric value, valid options are `1:tsc 2:gtod 3:sleep')
-D, --no-defpayload   no default Payload, only probe known protocols
-e, --enable-module  *enable modules listed as arguments (output and report currently)
-E, --proc-errors     for processing `non-open' responses (icmp errors, tcp rsts...)
-F, --try-frags
-G, --payload-group *payload group (numeric) for tcp/udp type payload selection (default all)
-h, --help            help
-H, --do-dns          resolve hostnames during the reporting phase
-i, --interface      *interface name, like eth0 or fxp1, not normally required
-I, --immediate       immediate mode, display things as we find them
-j, --ignore-seq     *ignore `A'll, 'R'eset sequence numbers for tcp header validation
-l, --logfile        *write to this file not my terminal
-L, --packet-timeout *wait this long for packets to come back (default 7 secs)
-m, --mode           *scan mode, tcp (syn) scan is default, U for udp T for tcp `sf' for tcp connect scan and A for arp
for -mT you can also specify tcp flags following the T like -mTsFpU for example
that would send tcp syn packets with (NO Syn|FIN|NO Push|URG)
-M, --module-dir     *directory modules are found at (defaults to /usr/lib/unicornscan/modules)
-o, --format         *format of what to display for replies, see man page for format specification
-p, --ports           global ports to scan, if not specified in target options
-P, --pcap-filter    *extra pcap filter string for reciever
-q, --covertness     *covertness value from 0 to 255
-Q, --quiet           dont use output to screen, its going somewhere else (a database say...)
-r, --pps            *packets per second (total, not per host, and as you go higher it gets less accurate)
-R, --repeats        *repeat packet scan N times
-s, --source-addr    *source address for packets `r' for random
-S, --no-shuffle      do not shuffle ports
-t, --ip-ttl         *set TTL on sent packets as in 62 or 6-16 or r64-128
-T, --ip-tos         *set TOS on sent packets
-u, --debug     *debug mask
-U, --no-openclosed  dont say open or closed
-w, --safefile       *write pcap file of recieved packets
-W, --fingerprint    *OS fingerprint 0=cisco(def) 1=openbsd 2=WindowsXP 3=p0fsendsyn 4=FreeBSD 5=nmap
6=linux 7:strangetcp
-v, --verbose         verbose (each time more verbose so -vvvvv is really verbose)
-V, --version         display version
-z, --sniff           sniff alike
-Z, --drone-str      *drone String
*:  options with `*' require an argument following themaddress ranges are cidr like for all of 1.?.?.?
if you omit the cidr mask then /32 is implied
port ranges are like 1-4096 with 53 only scanning one port, a for all 65k and p for 1-1024
example: unicornscan -i eth1 -Ir 160 -E gateway:a

Unicornscan Usage Example

root@kali:~# unicornscan -mTsf -Iv -r 1000
adding mode `TCPscan' ports `a' pps 1000
using interface(s) eth0
scaning 1.00e+00 total hosts with 6.55e+04 total packets, should take a little longer than 1 Minutes, 12 Seconds
connected ->
TCP open  ttl 128
connected ->
TCP open  ttl 128
connected ->
TCP open  ttl 128
connected ->
TCP open  ttl 128
connected ->
TCP open  ttl 128
sender statistics 963.9 pps with 65536 packets sent total
listener statistics 131180 packets recieved 0 packets droped and 0 interface drops
TCP open                http[   80]     from  ttl 128
TCP open         netbios-ssn[  139]     from  ttl 128
TCP open                snmp[  161]     from  ttl 128
TCP open               https[  443]     from  ttl 128
TCP open        microsoft-ds[  445]     from  ttl 128


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