This Kali release is the first to include the Linux 4.15 kernel, which includes the x86 and x64 fixes for the much-hyped Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities. It also includes much better support for AMD GPUs and support for AMD Secure Encrypted Virtualization, which allows for encrypting virtual machine memory such that even the hypervisor can’t access it.
Added Linux 4.15 kernel
Patches for Spectre and Meltdown Flaws
Better support for AMD GPUs & Secure Encrypted Virtualization
Run Metasploit scripts, such as pattern_create, directly from the terminal
Tools updated
Read The Free Book
Want to get started with Kali Linux, but not sure how? Need to compile a custom kernel or build a custom Kali ISO? We’ve got a free Kali book for you! You can jump in right now and read the book either in online HTML, PDF or in printed form from Download PDF
Easier Metasploit Script Access
If you spend any significant amount of time writing exploits, you are undoubtedly familiar with the various Metasploit scripts that are available, such as pattern_create, pattern_offset, nasm_shell, etc. You are likely also aware that all of these helpful scripts are tucked away under /usr/share/metasploit-framework/tools/exploit/, which makes them more than a little difficult to make use of. Fortunately, as of metasploit-framework_4.16.34-0kali2, you can now make use of all these scripts directly as we have included links to all of them in the PATH, each of them prepended with msf-.
In addition to the above changes, there have been updates to a number of applications including Bloodhound, Reaver, PixieWPS, Burp Suite, Hashcat, and more. Since there are far too many packages to include in a default ISO, to see the full list of changes, we encourage you to review the Kali Changelog.
Take The Kali Training
Feeling adventurous? Interested in jumpstarting your infosec career? Looking to improve your command of Linux? Your journey starts here! Read along and test your skills with online training. Sign up for a free account to track your progress and get recognition.
Get Your KLCP Certification
Schedule your KLCP exam and get certified. Show off your newly gained skills and get recognition from potential employers. Learn about the Kali Linux Certified Professional certification, study the book and take the 80-question 90-minute exam with Pearson Vue.
After completing this course, you will be able to:
Use the Kali Linux OS proficiently.
Automate, customize and pre-seed Kali Linux Installs.
Create Kali appliances such as the Kali ISO of Doom.
Build, modify and host Kali packages and repositories.
Create, fork and modify simple Kali packages.
Customize and rebuild your Kernel.
Deploy Kali over the network.
Manage and orchestrate multiple installations of Kali.
Build and customize Kali ARM images.
Create custom pentesting devices.
Download Kali Linux 2018.2
If you would like to check out this latest and greatest Kali release, you can find download links for ISOs and Torrents on the Kali Downloads page along with links to the Offensive Security virtual machine and ARM images, which have also been updated to 2018.2. If you already have a Kali installation you’re happy with, you can easily upgrade in place as follows.
root@kali:~# apt update && apt full-upgrade
If you don’t have Kali Linux installed you can check this article on how to install Kali Linux on VirtualBox (it is really a very detailed guide). As always, if you encounter any bugs at all, we implore you to open a report on our bug tracker. We can’t fix what we don’t know about.